An effective diet for the treatment of pancreatitis

Pancreatitis is an extremely unpleasant disease that is accompanied by monstrous abdominal pain. Improper diet, alcohol problems, hormonal medications and a number of other causes can be the cause of inflammation of the pancreas. The disease most often appears suddenly. The first attacks are quite easy to stop, but they should be a wake-up call, in which the usual diet should be seriously reconsidered. What to eat with pancreatitis? In the article we will provide you with a detailed diet and diet for this disease.

The main ingredients of the diet

dietary rules in pancreatitis

Many people are accustomed to dieting easily and often irresponsibly. Compensating for lost time and replenishing after a month of proper nutrition is a common situation. However, a well-developed diet for pancreatitis is very important for successful treatment. It is very easy to create a menu that meets all the requirements. The main thing to remember is that food should be taken in small portions about 5 times a day. However, before you rush to clean the refrigerator, you should do a therapeutic fast for 2-3 days. At the same time you can drink only warm mineral water without gas. This is necessary so that the enzymes that begin to behave aggressively as the disease progresses do not damage the pancreas or cause pain.

Approved and not recommended products

If you exclude the following foods for pancreatitis, the diet will only be useful and will relieve pain:

  • All fatty foods, including broths.
  • Meat offal, semi-finished products and smoked meats.
  • Carbonated drinks, including yeast, as well as strong tea or coffee and cocoa.
  • Any canned food.
  • Pastries such as cakes, biscuits, chocolates, hard candies, chocolate.
  • rye bread.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Greasy sour cream and yogurt.
  • Glazed cottage cheese.
  • Radishes, radishes.
  • Spinach, sorrel
  • Alcohol.
  • Fast food products.
  • Spicy herbs and spices.
  • Chips, croutons and the like.
the need to follow a diet for pancreatitis

The list is quite impressive, but there are no fewer foods that can be consumed:

  • Cooked, stewed vegetables other than those listed above. You can also eat vegetables that have been steamed.
  • Lean or lean fish, meat, poultry.
  • All cereals cooked in water or milk, except millet.
  • Vegetable soups without garlic and onions.
  • Milk soups.
  • Marmalade, marshmallows, marshmallows and biscuits.
  • Small amounts of jam.
  • Cheese without spices and non-sour milk products.
  • Steamed omelets and casserole dishes.
  • Mashed or baked non-sour apples.
  • Cooked noodles or noodles.
  • Not fresh one-day wheat bread.

Sample menu for pancreatitis

1 day

  • Omelet with steamed eggs;
  • apple puree
  • Steamed chicken in vegetables and vegetables
  • Tea with marshmallows and low-fat cottage cheese
  • Cottage cheese casserole

2 days

  • Milk rice soup
  • Fruit jelly
  • Boiled buckwheat with pike fillet
  • Carrot cutlets
  • Fruit salad

Now you know what to eat with pancreatitis. As you can see, the food for this disease can be varied and delicious. And importantly, such a diet is based on the principles of proper and healthy eating. Therefore, the diet for pancreatitis, described in detail above, will help you stay slim, without stress to the body, and if you are overweight, then on this diet you can lose about 5 pounds per month.